When writing an English email to foreign trade customers, the greeting is very important. You can start with "Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name]", or directly use their name if you are familiar with them. Avoid overly casual greetings like "Hey" unless your relationship allows it.
Briefly introduce yourself and your company. Mention how you got their contact details if it is the first time contacting them. Thank them for any past business or inquiries. You can also mention the purpose of your email here in one concise sentence.
This is the main part of your email. Provide details about your product/service and clearly explain how it can benefit the customer. Highlight key features and sell points. You can attach photos, brochures or price lists for visual reference. Use simple and clear language without jargon. Break paragraphs into short, easy-to-read sections.
Summarize main details and call the customer to action. Close the deal by requesting a meeting/quote/order or provide next steps. Thank the customer for their time and consideration in advance. Reiterate your commitment to customer satisfaction.
Include your full name, job title, company name and contact details like address, phone number and email. You can also add your company logo. Keep the signature brief and professional. Consider including language stating that the information is confidential and for the intended recipient only.
Use a standard closing like "Best regards," "Sincerely," or "Thank you." Sign off with your name below the closing. Avoid overly casual closings. Proofread your email carefully before sending to avoid typos or errors which can damage credibility.
Follow Up
If the customer has not responded within a reasonable timeframe, you can send a brief, polite follow up email checking if they need any clarification or have additional questions. Be patient as some customers may need time to consider your proposal. Persist courteously and you increase your chances of a positive response.
1. 邮件开头应该使用什么样的问候语?当写英文邮件给外贸客户时,问候语部分很重要。可以用"Dear Mr./Ms. [姓氏]"开头,或者如果你很熟悉客户可以直接使用名字。除非你们关系很熟,否则避免使用过于随意的问候语,如"Hey"。
2. 怎样简要介绍自己和公司?请简要介绍一下自己和公司。如果这是第一次联系客户,可以说明获取客户联系方式的渠道。也可以感谢客户之前的任何业务或咨询。你也可以在这里用一个简洁的句子说明邮件的目的。
3. 主体部分应该包含什么内容?这是邮件的主要部分。请提供您的产品/服务详情,明确说明它如何为客户带来好处。强调关键特征和销售点。可以附上图片、广告册或价格清单提供视觉参考。使用简单明了的语言,避免行话。将段落分成短小易读的部分。
4. 怎样结束邮件和请求行动?总结主要细节,并引导客户采取行动。通过要求会面/报价/下单来完成交易。提前感谢客户付出时间和关注。再次重申您致力于客户满意的承诺。
5. 邮件签名应包括什么内容?签名请放入您的全名、职位、公司名称和联系方式,如地址、电话号码和电子邮件。也可以加入公司logo。保持签名简洁而正式。可以考虑注明信息仅限 intended recipient。
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